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 Business Cyber Security Services and Protection

Business Cyber Security Services and Protection

Cyber criminals are actively targeting small to medium businesses as they have become easy targets.  Business Cyber Security Services and protection will keep your business in business.  Protect yourself from Ransomware and cyber criminals.

37% of businesses don’t believe they would survive longer than one week without critical data, but only 20% of businesses surveyed were backing up their data more than once a month

Dont let your business be one of the businesses that fails from ransomeware and cyber criminals.  Take the necessary steps today to protect your business.

Are you playing Russian Roulette with cyber criminals?

Business Cyber Security Services and Protection are crucial to keeping your business in business.  At no point in the history has business been as connected and dependent upon the internet than now.  With this reliance on IT, cyber criminals have spotted a new pay day- holding your data to ransom.

For years cyber criminals sought out big pay days from big businesses, they still are.  Big business got smarter identifying the threat, invested heavily in security and have significantly reduced their threat exposure.

Cyber criminals in response shifted their focus to small to medium business as they they are less informed about the rapidly changing threat cyber criminals pose.  This disconnect of information and the threats faced by business owners and managers is contributing the Australia and New Zealand having one of the highest global infection rates.  According to MYOB (2017) 72% of businesses believe their business is safe because they use antivirus software.

Cyber criminals business model (est. $600 Billion USD per year cost) is based on this lack of understanding and awareness by businesses.  Owners and managers believe it only happens to other businesses. Unfortunately data each year shows this is not the case and the trend is rising.


Bentley University (USA) corroborates many of these facts in the following article and gives further weight to the need for small to medium businesses to take a much closer look at their current security and ensure they understand the risk. https://www.bentley.edu/news/big-hackers-target-small-business

Cyber criminals are investing multi-millions of dollars into software and paying professional programmers to write malware.  They are achieving a great ROI.  The game has changed.  No longer is self managed or mediocre support able to adjust to the rapidly changing threats.

Pearce IT is your partner in providing the solutions advice your small to medium business needs to defend against cyber criminals.

Dont let your business be the next victim of cyber criminals from simple mistakes.

Business Cyber Security Services and Protection needs to be part of every businesses tool kit to ensure that your business remains profitable and minimises the risk from cyber criminals.

Contact us today and find our how we can  assist you to secure your business.


Solutions & Expertise

If you are not actively securing your business against cyber criminals you have a high risk of going out of business.

Stop playing a game of chance with your business

Business Cyber Security Services and Protection

Strategic Consulting & Training

At Pearce IT we understand the real threats of Cyber Security and the potential implications for your business if you haven’t taken the steps to ensure you are running as safely and securely as possible.

  • Risk Assessment & Analysis
  • Advisory Services
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Staff Training
cyber criminals

Managed Security Monitoring

Our Managed IT Security Services (MSS) provide a systematic approach to managing your business IT security. Our MSS options include:

  • Threat Detection
  • Enterprise Security Monitoring
  • Web Security Services
  • Managed Firewall
  • Virtual Private Network
  • Vunerability Scanning
  • Security Device Management

Security Management

Combining superior cyber threat intelligence and security expertise to protect your company’s assets.  Using advanced threat detection to prevent the threats we can, and implementing procedures to manage and respond quickly to those we can’t.

  • Incident Response Planning
  • Data Backup
  • Email Continuity
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