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Cybersecurity Mistakes Made by Small & Medium Business

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Written byEditor

November 5, 2023

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Cybercriminals are capable of launching sophisticated attacks, but it is often the lax cybersecurity practices that contribute to most breaches. This is particularly true for small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs).

Unfortunately, many small business owners do not prioritize cybersecurity measures as they are fully focused on growing their companies. They mistakenly believe that they have a lower risk of data breaches or consider cybersecurity expenses to be burdensome.

However, it is important to recognize that cybersecurity is not only a concern for large corporations but also a critical issue for small businesses. Cybercriminals often target small businesses due to perceived vulnerabilities. In fact, approximately fifty percent of SMBs have fallen victim to cyberattacks, with more than 60% of them going out of business afterward.

The good news is that cybersecurity does not have to be expensive. Many data breaches result from human error, which means that improving cyber hygiene can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim.

Learn more about the importance of cybersecurity for SMBs here.

Avoid These Common Cybersecurity Mistakes and Stay Protected!

To effectively tackle this issue, it is crucial to start by identifying the problem at hand. Frequently, teams at small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) make mistakes without even realizing it. In the following section, we will explore some of the primary factors that make small businesses vulnerable to cyberattacks. Keep reading to determine if any of these scenarios resonate with your company.

1. Danger: Threat Underestimated

One of the biggest mistakes small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) make in terms of cybersecurity is underestimating the ever-present threat landscape. Many business owners wrongly assume that their company’s size exempts them from being targeted. However, this misconception is perilous.

Cybercriminals frequently view small businesses as vulnerable targets, assuming they lack the necessary resources and expertise to defend against attacks. It’s vital to recognize that no business is too small to be targeted by cybercriminals. Taking a proactive approach to cybersecurity is absolutely crucial for SMBs.

2. Employee Training Neglect: Addressing Cybersecurity Risks

When was the last time you provided comprehensive cybersecurity training for your employees? Unfortunately, many small businesses tend to overlook the importance of cybersecurity training. It is often assumed that employees will naturally exercise caution online.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that the human factor presents significant security vulnerabilities. Employees may unknowingly fall victim to phishing attempts or inadvertently download infected files. By providing staff with proper cybersecurity training, you can empower them to:

  • Identify and thwart phishing attempts
  • Appreciate the significance of using strong passwords
  • Stay vigilant against social engineering tactics employed by cybercriminals

Don’t underestimate the impact of employee cybersecurity training on your business’s overall security posture. Take proactive steps to ensure your workforce is well-prepared and equipped to mitigate potential risks.

3. Weak Passwords and the Security Vulnerabilities They Pose in Small Companies

Weak passwords pose a significant security risk in small companies, with many employees opting for easily guessable passwords and reusing them across multiple accounts. This practice leaves your company’s sensitive information vulnerable to hackers. According to a study, 64% of people reuse passwords most of the time.

To enhance security, it is crucial to encourage the use of strong and unique passwords. Additionally, consider implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible. MFA adds an extra layer of security, mitigating the risks associated with weak passwords.

Protect your company’s data and prevent unauthorized access by prioritizing password strength and security measures.

4. Neglecting Software Updates

Neglecting to keep software and operating systems up to date is another common mistake. Cybercriminals frequently exploit known vulnerabilities in outdated software to gain unauthorized access to systems.

It is crucial for small businesses to regularly update their software in order to fix known security flaws. This includes updating operating systems, web browsers, and antivirus programs. Stay proactive in maintaining the security of your systems and data.

5. Don’t Gamble with Your Data: The Importance of Having a Backup Plan

Many small businesses neglect to establish proper data backup and recovery strategies, wrongly assuming that data loss won’t affect them. However, data loss can result from various causes, such as cyberattacks, hardware failures, or human errors.

It is crucial to regularly back up your company’s critical data and perform tests to ensure successful restoration in the event of data loss incidents. Don’t underestimate the importance of implementing a robust data backup plan for your business’s security and continuity.

6. Lack of Formal Security Policies in Small Businesses

Small businesses frequently lack well-defined policies and procedures, which can lead to employees lacking crucial information on handling sensitive data, ensuring secure device usage, and responding to security incidents. It is crucial for small businesses to establish formal security policies and procedures and effectively communicate them to all employees. These policies should encompass various aspects such as:

  • Password management
  • Data handling
  • Incident reporting
  • Remote work security
  • And other security topics

7. Mobile Security: A Chink in the armour

With the growing number of employees using mobile devices for work, prioritizing mobile security has become more important than ever. However, many small companies tend to overlook this critical aspect of cybersecurity.

To ensure the safety of company-owned and employee-owned devices used for work-related activities, it is recommended to implement Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions. These solutions effectively enforce security policies, safeguarding sensitive data and mitigating potential risks.

By proactively addressing mobile security concerns, businesses can enhance their overall cybersecurity posture and protect against potential threats. Don’t underestimate the significance of mobile security – it’s a vital component for a robust and well-rounded cybersecurity strategy.

8. Failure to monitor networks

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) may lack IT staff to proactively monitor their networks for suspicious activities. This can lead to delayed detection of security breaches, putting the organization at risk.

One effective solution is to install network monitoring tools or consider outsourcing network monitoring services. By doing so, your business can promptly identify and respond to potential threats, ensuring the security and integrity of your network.

Don’t compromise on network security—prioritize regular monitoring to safeguard your business from cyber threats and maintain a strong defense against potential breaches.

9. Lack of Incident Response Plan

In the event of a cybersecurity incident, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) without a well-defined incident response plan may experience panic and ineffective responses. It is crucial for SMBs to develop a comprehensive incident response plan that clearly outlines the necessary steps when a security incident occurs.

This plan should include effective communication strategies, isolation procedures, and a well-defined chain of command. By implementing a robust incident response plan, SMBs can better prepare themselves to handle security incidents and minimize potential damage.

10. Why Ignoring Managed IT Services is Costing You More Than You Think

Cyber threats are constantly evolving, with new attack techniques emerging regularly. Small businesses often struggle to keep up, mistakenly believing they are too small to invest in managed IT services.

However, managed services are available in various package sizes, including those designed to fit SMB budgets. By partnering with a managed service provider (MSP), you can ensure the security of your business against cyberattacks while also optimizing your IT, leading to cost savings.

Stay ahead of evolving cyber threats with affordable managed IT services tailored to small businesses. Partner with a trusted managed service provider (MSP) to safeguard your business and optimize your IT infrastructure. Save money while enhancing your security against cyberattacks.

Discover the Benefits of Managed IT Services

Protect your business from cyberattacks and avoid potential risks. Explore how affordable managed IT services can be for your small business. Find out more here.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

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